Pioneering TerraTrak to Transform Unusable Land into Valuable Energy Assets

Client Overview

Zigron's collaboration with TerraSmart to create TerraTrak represents a milestone in the smart energy sector. TerraTrak, a single-axis tracker system, exemplifies how innovative engineering and smart technology can turn challenging terrains into productive, energy-generating assets. This case study delves into the development, challenges, and outcomes of the TerraTrak project, showcasing Zigron's expertise in smart energy solutions.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to design a solar tracker capable of maximizing energy production in terrains previously deemed unsuitable for PV installations. The goals were clear: to conquer adverse site conditions, ensure durability, and incorporate intelligent controls for optimizing energy output.

Zigron Approach

Zigron embarked on this project by leveraging its extensive experience in smart energy solutions and engineering designs. The approach was multifaceted, focusing on durable mechanical design, intelligent control technology, and comprehensive site optimization strategies.

Intelligent Controls

Zigron implemented machine learning algorithms for backtracking, minimizing shading, and enhancing energy production. Smart weather forecasting and real-time monitoring were integrated to minimize weather-related risks and optimize performance. Remote site access facilitated by an in-house expert team enabled quick troubleshooting and system adjustments.

TerraTrak Architecture

The TerraTrak system includes a Network Controller (NC), Weather Station, Row Box (RB), and Field Commissioning Software (FCS), each playing a critical role in the system's efficiency and reliability. Zigron's innovation was evident in the design of these components, ensuring seamless integration and communication within the TerraTrak architecture.

Our Solutions

Zigron's partnership with Terrasmart has been instrumental in achieving their goals:

Operational Challenges
and Solutions

Zigron's expertise was instrumental in addressing operational challenges such as onsite infrastructure design, landscape mapping, and weather complexity. Advanced mapping technologies and a meticulous design approach were employed for site planning and optimization. The incorporation of an onsite weather station and the integration with AccuWeather API significantly enhanced the system's ability to navigate weather complexities.

Commissioning and

Zigron introduced multiple commissioning methods, including software-based, cloud commissioning, and a mobile FastTrack app, streamlining the installation and setup process. Remote monitoring and maintenance capabilities were developed to ensure the system's longevity and performance, emphasizing predictive maintenance and automated alerts.

Outcomes and

The TerraTrak project has set a new standard in the solar energy sector. By turning unusable land into valuable energy assets, Zigron and TerraSmart have demonstrated the potential of smart energy solutions to overcome environmental challenges and optimize energy production. TerraTrak's success is a testament to Zigron's innovative approach and technological expertise, marking a significant achievement in the company's portfolio.


The TerraTrak case study illustrates Zigron's capability to tackle complex challenges in the smart energy domain. Through innovative engineering, intelligent design, and strategic problem- solving, Zigron has contributed to the advancement of solar energy technology. This project not only underscores Zigron's role as a leader in smart energy solutions but also highlights its commitment to sustainability and innovation.

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